Nevada gold
Fastest dispensers in North America!
Dispenses 7 tickets per second
Quick and easy transactions
Each column holds up to 1,000 tickets
Wide variety of tickets to play
Dispenses 1, 3 and 5 window tickets directly below the column, in
individual outlets
Variable pricing per column
Quick front-loading ticket slots
Accurate sales recording for easy tracking
Completely secure and easy to maintain
Easy access to accounting functions
Separate locks for security: one for cash; one for tickets
PIN number access menu-driven operation
Cash Code® bill validation with 600 bill stacker
Individual modular ticket columns are easily removable for service without affecting the operation of other columns
Illuminated switch with denomination cap; available in red (standard) or amber (special order)
Optional cabinet available
Optional integrated display monitor with customizable graphics and sound
Fastest dispensers in North America!
Dispenses 7 tickets per second
Quick and easy transactions
Each column holds up to 1,000 tickets
Wide variety of tickets to play
Dispenses 1, 3 and 5 window tickets directly below the column, in individual outlets
Make and take 2 column option available.
Technik Pull Tab Machines Grand
The Grand Master is indeed the grandest of all pull tab vending machines. It will attract many players and provide them with a larger variety of games, thus decreasing your time spent loading the machine. It's ease of operation and reliability will give you the confidence to let the Grand Master pull tab dispenser do the work for you.
Standard Features:
8 columns with a total capacity of 6,400 pull tab or sweepstakes tickets.
Designed to look like a casino style machine, with red cabinet and colorful graphics.
High security polycarbonate windows and 16 gauge steel cabinet.
Easy loading and access to all features directly through the front of the cabinet.
Tickets and money are kept in separately locked compartments.
Dispenses a wide variety of pull tabs and sweepstakes tickets including both 3 and 5 window tickets.
Reliable bill acceptor with 1000 bill stacker.
Flexible pricing function allows each column to be priced separately.
Dimensions: 23"W x 19"D x 70"H
Weight: 300 lbs
Full one-year parts warranty.
Optional Features:
Internal modem to communicate sales and service information.
Printer to provide hard copies of all accounting features.
Sound alarm if vending machine is opened.
Custom graphics available.
Coin mechanism.
Master 4 Column
Reduce your labor costs and increase your level of security by putting the Master 4 pull tab ticket dispenser (shown with optional base) to work for you. Acting as your automatic salesperson, the Master 4 vending machine takes up under four square feet of floor space and never takes a break. Stop worrying and start letting the Master 4 do the work for you.
Standard Features:
4 columns with a total capacity of 2,800 pull tab or sweepstakes tickets.
Technik's own belt drive delivery system.
High security polycarbonate windows and 16 gauge steel cabinet.
Easy loading and access to all features directly through the front and back of the cabinet.
Resettable and non-resettable accounting meters for reliable bookkeeping.
Dispenses a wide variety of 3, 5 and 6 window tickets.
Choice of a black or red cabinet.
Reliable bill acceptor with 1000 bill stacker.
Flexible pricing function allowing each row to be priced separately.
Cabinet dimensions: 21"W x 20.5"D x 30"H
Weight: 90 lbs
Full one-year parts warranty.
Optional Features:
Internal modem to communicate sales and service information.
Printer to provide hard copies of all accounting features.
Sound alarm if vending machine is opened.
Custom graphics available.
Matching base. Dimensions: 21"W x 20.5"D x 36"H. Weight: 71 lbs.